Deep Focus Day - Tackling Big Writing Projects
Carving out time for important, but not (hugely) urgent, tasks can be tricky. A Deep Focus Day provides a distraction free environment away from your inbox so you can concentrate on the projects that really matter.
A team from Future Proof Learning, a learning and development consultancy, booked a Deep Focus Day. Willie Maltman shares his experience:
“I asked Lara to run a Deep Focus writing day for my team. We each brought different subjects including a business plan, proposals and website content. Lara set out the day very clearly for us and we immediately connected with the discipline and rigour of just writing. The balance of deep thought and free writing in respectful silence was really beneficial and all of us were amazed at how far we got with our projects in even the first session.”
“Lara’s gentle yet firm style worked really well with the team and we were immediately able to trust her guidance and expertise. We all felt very comfortable with her as a facilitator and everyone got better than expected results – business plan completed; website structure and content delivered; client proposal scoped & finalised.
It was a great day and a tremendously liberating experience. We loved the balance of deep immersion in structured and strictly timed sessions, together with the deliberate breaks and ability to share writing experiences. We found it cathartic and liberating and would love to repeat it given the opportunity. I can’t recommend Lara highly enough or thank her sufficiently for this.”
Interested in running a Deep Focus Day to tackle your big projects? Please contact me at